Friday, 21 March 2014

Teagrae and Sophie share their camp experiences

Year 6 Camp

We are going to tell you all about the fun we had at our year 6 camp in Okains Bay.  

Firstly is the location, we thought it was going to be the Okains Bay camp site but it turned out it wasn’t, it was the Okains Bay school we went to, because the campsite was closed from the storm.  

Then was putting up the tents.  It was a real mission because most people thought that the windows were the front door.  Second was making our dinner, we had to use a cooker it was really fun.  

Thirdly we played spotlight for all the nights we were at camp.   The last night was the most fun because the teachers and parents were the hunters and it felt like the Hunger Games.  It was so much fun.  It was all fun, but the most fun was all the swimming we did.  We went to the lagoon first, the three boys got so muddy.  Other people went canoeing and crab catching.  

Last but not least packing up our own tent and helping others with theirs because packing up our own tents after 4 days was easy for some but other people struggled to put down their tent, so we helped each other.  Oh I forgot to tell you, the other mission was to pack up everything such as tents, food, clothing and more! We had to get all the trailers into the school and pack, pack, pack!

by Teagrae and Sophie

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Week 5 Post from Milli and Eliece - our first Room 2 Learner's post!!

Hey guys and girls! This term we are learning about how to be good digital citizens. We have been watching videos about cyber bullying and have made pic collages about cyber bullying and how to prevent it. We are also learning about how to control our digital footprint. We have been learning about the five characteristics. The year 6’s have been preparing for their camp and soon it will be the year 5’s turn. There are approximately 40 year 6’s going to Okains bay. Both camps will be going to a Marae and one of them will be staying at one.
We are taking a few tests and I’m pretty sure the new people are settling in well. Everyone seems to be settling into the routine. Breaks have changed but everyone has gotten used it.
Student leaders have been applying to Mr Buckner and he will soon be choosing the new ones.

By Eliece and Mili