Sunday, 6 April 2014

Year 5 Camp by Drew and Amelia

On Monday the Year 5s went to our camp at Lake Ellesmere Marae. At the start we had a lovely welcome.  We did a hongi and sang some songs. We had to say our mihi it was a little bit embarrassing but most people got over it.  After that we had some food and one of the ladies told us a story about how the marae started. It was a lovely welcome and we settled into our sleeping quarters. We slept on mats and we slept with Miss Wood one night and Miss Oliff the other night and we slept in our sleeping bags. The sleeping quarters had a lovely smell and they had some beautiful paintings and carvings. The boys were very noisy but I still got a good night sleep. After unpacking we had dinner. For dinner we had spaghetti bolognese it was yum but the pasta was a bit too sticky and the carrots in the the mixed vegetables were a bit too undercooked. The rest was great, for pudding we had apple crumble. Now of course that part was good! Do you know who made it? Mr Buckner our principal made it and it was delicious. After that we got ready to play spotlight. The first game I was a tagger it was fun being a tagger I was tagging with Caide and Mitchell, we had so much fun. After spotlight we got ready for bed my sleep was great.  In the morning we had breakfast. For breakfast I had toast, after breakfast the adventure started.  I could talk about more but this blog might get too big. Ka kite ano and have a lovely rest of your day, from Drew and Amelia.    

1 comment:

  1. Hello Room 2
    I really loved how you described the dinner it made me feel like I was eating it. I also enjoyed the school camp. Did you enjoy the camp.
    From Anna
